Calvary Port Acres Online Prayer Wall
Prayer requests are important! They are important for many reasons. One reason is to allow others to know what you are going through. Sometimes we think we are all alone in the situation, but sharing it with others helps us know we are not alone! God knew what your prayer need was before you put it on this wall, so prayer requests here do not have a better connection to God – but they help us connect in community with other believers that can partner with us in prayer in our time of need! So post a prayer need here – leave as much detail as you care to be seen publicly or as little as you want. You can even be anonymous if you choose. Prayers on this wall will be left for 30 days, but if you want it reposted you can repost it after 30 days. All prayer requests will be approved by the admin monitor. 

No prayers found! 1 Thessalonians 5:17: Pray without ceasing!